Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pathophysuiology Of Myom Uter

Mozi's head music

Hi, here we go again Sunday and that is,

would I imagine a band. Today it is

the band " Rapalje " with the song

"What we Zull drinken (Zeven dagen lang)."

Rapalje - What will we drinken

Now something for the band:

Rapalje is an Irish-folk band from the Netherlands.

The trio plays mostly traditional music from Ireland, Scotland and the Netherlands, but also some of my own pieces in the repertoire. They are known as a live band, and wear kilts on stage.

All three band members are multi-instrumentalists and have their own instrument developed Gitouki, a mix of Irish bouzouki and guitar. When recording to a few CDs and live performances will be larger Rapalje accompanied by a guest musician on a Scottish bagpipe. Their performances are occasionally accompanied by dancers.

thief and Maceál already played together in a rock band. The two decided in 1997, "Celtic" folk music to play, and formed a duo Ruk en Pluk with which they brought out a cassette under the title Celtic folk music .

formed from this duo, then the group De aldus Eikeltjes Ronald , which occurred with street music abroad. She later changed its name to Klootjes Folk to finally be Rapalje. With this trio appeared since 1997, five short CDs, two studio albums, an album consisting of the first three short-CDs, and a live CD.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Top Rollerblading Brands

Mozi's head music

A beautiful sunny Sunday morning I would wash you. From now on I will introduce each Sunday a song or a band. Today is about the band Saltatio Mortis
. What song? All of kla, it's about the song " time .

Here the lyrics to ...

Train - Time

What Mozi think about this song?

-Well, I understand the song so ...
line 1
This can all see the hardships one. Once these noted, has tried to suppress it, run away from them.

line 2 Also watching
who you rest trying to find and drive the people in their successful one is not really, it rather more a spur to continue to continue to worry about it.

line 3
With all the problems that we have nowadays, you hardly know where to begin. Even more difficult it is to see an end. You make yourself unnecessary stress and tried everything as quickly as possible to create. Many say, that everything should pass through quickly, should not rest. Since I am a different opinion. Everything should go on in peace, just think about what step to do next.

line 4
also who you want to switch off at night it is possible a fairly heavy. If beschäftiget me something right, you go to me like that. I can turn my thoughts like this are difficult.

But with all the ideas because you can really relax?

What are your thoughts about this?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Pokemon Smaragd .cht Gpsphone

What are dreams?

are dreams For me, ideas, feelings, thoughts.

All these things make me most happy, but also thoughtful and concerned.

dreams everyone should have, and everyone has the right to pursue the goal of a dream.

But why do that so few people?

why so few people live their dream of not?

Lie it because the dreams are that most people just so far away?

They just can not get within reach?

Do not do a dream of?

There are I think two types of a dream.

One is tangible.

The other very far away, and so unusual that he can never come true.

a dream I think should be so unusually pointed gets. After making just the thought of such things myself happy and encourage me to think of. Also

whom most things in my mind only "imagination" is, it hurts a

not be time to break your head about it ....

Only Those who let their dreams and thoughts run wild to see the world in a different light ... And it's exactly the light that leads one through life.

How would you describe your dreams and / or your thoughts?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Shaky Drawing On Tablet

Somewhere in my mind

Today I want you for one, I think, very beautiful song Imagine.

This is the song "Somewhere in my mind " von Saltatio Mortis .

Here the lyrics to ...

Somewhere in my mind - Saltatio Mortis

Monday, August 3, 2009

Hot Wheels Cake Birthday

The shadows of the books

Far Nekron lives, the bloody shadow
He lives in his dark world bare

We need brave heroes to hide the dark All the dark
words migrate from the last son

The heroes in the direction of dark shadow

they were far from the river
you are led to their further travel will not be hampered
The onward journey is exhausting
Their leader is homeless
Now they are safe ...

The triumph or all of the pain depends on how you will understand these words

The leader of one of the wise kings, they all know the order of the plan
you take care of the known world
you deserve to plan after a long trip to see the dawn
you do not back

can the evil powers of the worst act in the history of these countries
you want to show the hero, its not the divine help they can to help

Soon, the black book are wide open

It does not remain open without consequences

All will be dark, everything is suffering, everything is in a pure nightmare end
you are ready to defeat the evil disguise
Today, whispers of the darkest winds, will begin a new story!

be Those who walk through the center of our forests, now in its goal

It is an old friend, my heart is gone with them over mountains and seas
I see what fate has decreed, I see it in the holy stars.
The seizure by the dark This is only the beginning
It's all a big adventure, but we will all meet again,

For it is our destiny

We are back to our beloved earth radiation bring
The myth and all The legends are with you on the way to victory

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Charges For Pregnancy Test Blood

What I want to be?

I want ...

... That my dreams come true!

... that people can read and understand my thoughts and

... be different, very different from his

... something that occurs in this form no more time

... that I am not so easily understood.

be complicated ...

... with the way I can help other people ... they

food for thought ...

be free as birds

... must endure no more suffering

... getting older ...

can see into the future

... True friends have

... pursue my dreams in my mind ...

But what others expect of me?

determined expect ...

... so, what people expect from me?

they will, I'm just like everyone else?

Shall I lead a monotonous life?

I should not have the right to pursue my dreams in your mind?

Should I be dressed just like everyone else?

Am I any Trend chasing pavements?



For I am happy as I am!

I am happy because my way is something

what can understand many do not understand or do not want to

I'm happy with my quirks

I'm happy when I lost my deep dreams can be free-running

I am happy to have friends who keep a

I am happy to have a great family

I'm lucky if I can help others

I am happy to increase their other dreams

For I am unique in my way!

Can you say the same of YOU?

Howto Make Silk Tea Bags

My dreams never end!

sadness, joy, jealousy ...

There are many ways to make his life difficult

My confused thoughts fly large rounds.

Fly through valleys, mountains, lakes.

see cheerfulness, security, carelessness ...

heard in the distance get you votes.

What do they call?

Who calls?

they call me about?

They call for their warriors to wait far into the distance

Wait, where no sunlight, no Joy, no hope get there

all millennia long wait on this one call you long for Sun

Is that the reputation of the gods?

call themselves gods too?

can call gods? And we will be able to hear it?

I follow this call, it passes through everything.

you put me in a land of darkness, sorrow reigns of this country

The landscapes are black, no friends, and hopes to find there.

are in the midst of this desert them. Crowded together

What are they?

Who are they?

They are all more thoughts their way to seek me, invade my head.

How can I collect my thoughts?

I close my eyes. See a lot of confused faces.

Do I know her?

Yes, I know!

They are my hopes, my dreams.

I see them the first time in my mind sharp.

you tell me that I must not stop believing in my dreams.