Saturday, June 6, 2009

Spongebob Secret Character Monopoly


bound and fiery energy, creates a breeding ground for

powerful deeds, stamina, virility

Traditional meaning: aurochs, force

letter: U or V

icon: aurochs horns of the aurochs,

falling rain


Element: Earth

herb: sphagnum, Nasturtium

tree, birch, oak

animal: Ur, beef

body area: Everything flows

Astrology: Sun in Taurus, Moon in 8.Haus, moon, Taurus

Tarot: High Priestess

I Ching 2.Hexagramm, knees, the Receptive

color: orange, dark green

deity: Ymir, Audhumla

Stone: amber, rock crystal, garnet

Fragrance: saffron, thyme

Flower: Pasque or Anemone


The Rune Uruz is identified in the mythology of Urkuh Audhumla. It is the untamed, savage power of creation, which is in the will and desire, and Chioggia Manifested form. Uruz it the mother of design and is available to natural structures and original knowledge, the wisdom of the earth. The energy of Uruz is the most vital of all runic power, drawing from an inexhaustible source. In analogy to the process of creation teaches us Uruz patience, perseverance and the use of aggression at the right time and place.


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