Saturday, July 10, 2010

Popped, Then Burning Sensation In Stomach

has recently dyed my

what you do in this hot weather .... Sure ...... with water splash ...
and so were my latest colors ....
have dyed alpaca roving I have a
then silk in the same amount .... Färbelauge is exactly the same ... and yet it looks einwenig different ... it is probably because, it is here to silk ..... but never mind ... because I want the two to spin wool and very thin twine together for the new mystery in Virgil Knitting-Delight-Group at yahoo, which at 05.08. starts.
now there's still an idea, what color beads could take .. I would be grateful for your suggestions ...

Well, and then there was a story .. I already had an empty bowl where the paint had set in the plastic .. I thought to myself .. ok .. I pour a little washing soda into it .... Perhaps it is so clean ... and dannn ..................... as a beautiful color liquor came to light .. I do not know how much the colors are really ... but in any case, it looked like this before .. as it would be dark blue or something like that ... and since I have 100 gr bamboo fibers had, I got the short hand down the same time the new-found Färbewasser ... and that's come of it .. I'm so excited .....

and here again all in the group picture
Sun ..... and now I wish all my readers and readers may have a great weekend


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