Sunday, December 12, 2010

Woman Breastfeeding Man Picks


Who me at Twitter pursued has probably noticed that I was this week at a seminar in the RTL School of Journalism in Cologne. While it was empty super rich and I've met a really nice girl, but also exhausting. The long journey there and back every day and uff. And then also this huge camera and tripod incredibly heavy haul through Cologne on Thursday, but I've definitely learned a lot. Yesterday afternoon I was then, as every Saturday on the road in the city. Only this time not for me but for my friend who has also been strong. Recently, I somehow like hardly anything in the shops, as long as I had with my Saturday trips no longer this "Uhhhhh, that I must have" feeling. Just before we wanted to go home, I was then still find, in the H & M men's section. A quick look, you can now have the cuddly giant sweatshirt, throw on Figure 2 it is in the background on the chair :-) To my outfit: When I put on me I was simply blown away by the stripes on my H & M sweater almost exactly the same color as my New York wedges, I love this outfit simple. Super simple and yet so chic. I wish you a wonderful third Advent.

Sweater / Leggings: H & M Wedges: New York


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